Cyber Security | Corvus IT Solutions

Cyber Security

Charter School Cyber Security

Schools of all sizes depend on technology to educate students and operate efficiently. But, the ever-changing nature of vulnerabilities on IT infrastructure and services is nearly impossible for most management teams to deal with using internal resources.

Corvus IT Solution’s Suite of Consulting and Professional Services is the answer. Our seasoned experts help you overcome risk and compliance challenges that impact your organization in unique ways. We will help you enhance your security posture, reduce risk, facilitate compliance and improve your operational efficiency.

  • Website browsing is safe and free of inappropriate content.
  • Student records and contact information is accessible by authorized users only.
  • Electronic sharing of student information between staff and between staff and Board members is done safely.
  • School mobile devices such as tablets have complete security “hardening” to ensure student or infrastructure holes aren’t created if stolen or lost.
  • Free or non-standard software security evaluation to ensure tools used by students for learning or staff for efficiency do not create security vulnerability.
  • Processes for handling account information and password generation are reasonable and do not create additional attack vectors.
  • WiFi implementation that ensures correct amounts of separation of school assets and internet access.

IT and Cyber Security is at the center of what we do. There’s an intersection of applications, infrastructure, and user devices where users get the services they want and need, and data remains confidential. We take a methodical, deliberate approach to each evaluation. Helping schools understand a proper balance of controls and utilization is paramount in preventing security breaches and data leaks.

Evaluate Risk

We will meet with you to review the unique compliance requirements and potential operational threats that plague Charter Schools.  No two Charter Schools are alike and this is the opportunity to listen to your concerns and together create a plan for the remainder of the assessment.

The risk evaluation encompasses both internal and external threats and answers the following questions:

  • What can go wrong?
  • What is the potential impact?
  • What preventive steps can be taken to reduce the risk?


Audit your IT and Cyber Security Position

We will come on-site and use remote tools to analyze your IT assets and the potential vulnerabilities including the following:

  • Network infrastructure review
  • User device identification
  • Data storage and data processing
  • Security Policy review
  • Business continuity requirements
  • Regulatory and/or best practice review


Review the Security Audit

After the IT Security Audit is complete, our experts review and document your environment, processes, regulatory objectives and compare that to the current operations.  We identify critical deficiencies and provide recommendations for remediation in your core IT operations.

  • Authentication and access controls
  • Network security
  • Host security
  • User equipment security (e.g., workstation, laptop, handheld)
  • Application security
  • Software acquisition
  • Encryption
  • Data security

This process is followed for clients who would like us to evaluate a list of known or perceived concerns, and those wanting an objective opinion of their current position against industry best practices. If you want to see more security Services, click here.